Website Security

When protection matters!

Website Security from Hackers

Website security has never been more important! I know you have heard things about hackers a lot here lately. A very high percentage of all web traffic is from some hacker or their automated software used to scam, spam, destroy or be an impostor to try to gather confidential information. Most hackers are looking for vulnerable websites to gather credit card or bank information. Sometimes, malware or other infectious software is hidden by attaching itself to a pretty picture or maybe an interesting link inside an article on that website. Your website could be the supplier of malware for that hacker. As a responsible website owner, it is your duty to try and provide a clean and fast website for those who choose to visit you. If you get a reputation or get shut down by a hosting company for spamming, then it will be too late to try and recover that golden reputation you once enjoyed very easily!

Manged Website Systems wants to help you keep your website clean and running to it's peak performance. Although no anti-virus software is 100%, you stand a lot better chance of keeping a clean and fast website if you are protected. We use automated backups as well to enhance our attempts to protect your website. Have a question before we get started? No problem, Contact Us today or click the button below to get your protect started. We look forward to helping you secure your success!

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